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Stein Lundbeck Tech blog
Visual Studio custom snippet
This blog shows you how to create custom code snippets in Visual Studio.
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1 | Intro | |
2 | @function | |
3 | @mixin | |
4 | In use | |
Links |
In this example we're going to define a color palette and a mixin for defining the body and child tag.
The function getColor($name) returns the color with matching name.
The mixin is supposed to define the width of a content element on a website.
Mixin's are great to reuse code in many scenarios.
Mixin's are great to reuse code in many scenarios.
This file contains a color palette used to create matching colors on a site.
The function getColor($name) is used to return colors from map $colors in _Colors.scss
The function getColor($name) is used to return colors from map $colors in _Colors.scss
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$colors: ( Main: #9a2601, Light: #f2af53, Link: #a74829, Even: #f7f2e8, Odd: #ede3d0, Tech: #4cd00f );
@function getColor($name) {
@return map-get($colors, $name);
In use
In this example the mixin uses values from the function getColor($name) and the mixin is implemented in Index.scss.
The mixin bodyContent($width) supplies styling to any style who implements it.
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@mixin bodyContent($width) {
width: 100%;
max-width: $width;
margin: auto;